Turning 26 at the end of the month and just tore ACL- need help picking insurance plan

Hi all,

As the caption says, I had the unfortunate luck of tearing my ACL the same month that I turn 26 and get dropped from my parents insurance. I’m an attorney and just started work in October, and didn’t do my employers health insurance at the time since I hadn’t received my bar exam results (was convinced I’d failed and would be fired lol) and figured that it was only 4 months so I’d be fine 🙃😵‍💫

So, my last day on my parents is 2/28, and first day I can get on my employer’s is 3/1. I will be having ACL surgery in March, followed by lots of physical therapy. I also have a monthly prescription that’s pretty pricey, but otherwise no chronic conditions.

I have 2 options with my employer:

-PPO— $365/month premium; $1,000 in-network deductible, $1,500 out of network deductible; $3,500 out of pocket limit; outpatient surgery (in-network): facility fee is $500/admission and no physician/surgeon fees

-HDHP— $160/month premium; $2,000 in-network deductible, $2,000 out of network deductible; $5,000 out of pocket limit; outpatient surgery (in-network): 10% co-insurance for facility fee and physician/surgery fees

And I can participate in our HSA if I do the HDHP, and my employer will contribute $600 this year (since it’s pro rated). I’d honestly probably front load my contributions if I did that. We also have a health care FSA we can pair with the PPO, but I don’t think I’m allowed to front load contributions to that.

So, knowing I’ll have high costs this year (and those costs will be front loaded), which plan would you choose? Or, what other info would you want to know if you were in my position?

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And in case it’s relevant, I have a big tax refund coming so I plan on setting that aside for my out of pocket costs (thought it would be going towards something fun but alas).

Thanks for any and all help with this!!

submitted by /u/Disastrous-Fox-3002