Thanks in advance to anyone who responds with advice!

I’ll get the facts out of the way, turning 26 Dec 20th and getting kicked off of my parents plan, income is around ~$23k/year gross, single, no employer insurance for part-time and no option to go full time, PA resident, and US citizen.

Apologies if I missed any relevant facts.

I’m thinking my best(/only?) option is to get marketplace insurance. This is fine with me, I think I saw something about a tax credit that will help with the premium. Said premium also had something about not being applicable if you qualify for Medicaid. That’s a little worrisome being part-time and with my income as a reduction of 4-5 hours a week could put me below $19.3k/year.

A couple more considerations, my dentist does not accept Medicaid – not sure about my PCP.

I went to the dentist today and discovered I need 2 root canals. With current insurance it will be $1.8k out of pocket ($4.1k without any insurance). Because this is now a known issue, will the marketplace insurance cover it when I sign up?

Please help :/

submitted by /u/Into_wild_Thornberry

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