Hi everyone, I am a 23F and have recently learned that I have tuberous breasts. I hate the way my breasts look, and have dreamed of getting a boob job since I was 18. I have also recently learned that I have Ehlers-Danlos Symdrome (EDS). After doing some research and learning about tuberous breasts, land am pretty sure that I have this breast deformity due to the EDS. I also have 2 children and hope to have more, but have been extremely unsuccessful with nursing my first 2 (most likely due to my tuberous breast deformity). Is there any possibility at ALL that I could get insurance coverage for this corrective surgery? Has anyone else been successful with this? I am currently using United Healthcare. I just wonder if the combination of my genetic defect (EDS), and the extreme challenges+discomfort that come with nursing would be enough to get approval by my insurance since that is more than just a "cosmetic procedure. (I have read that correcting tuberous breasts could improve ones chance at nursing successfully but I don't know if that's true or not)

Thank you in advance!!

submitted by /u/No_Proposal_6177

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