Trying to get health insurance for my immigrant parents older than 65. Need help!
I need help on getting my parents health insurance but I am completely lost.
I've never had health insurance other than tricare for being in the military so I have very shallow knowledge in health insurance. My father (70 years old) and my mother (64 years old) received green card, and my father just got a job in Virginia as a nuclear power plant engineer, expects to make good amount of money. I tried to get their health insurance but lots of information is stopping us from getting their health insurance. Every company I tried to get quote is asking if my father has medicaid or asking about part A and part B.
My parents wants a good health insurance that they don't have to pay crazy amount money for surgeries or treatment. Willing to pay high monthly payments.
I don't know where to start and they need to get health insurance ASAP. I was wondering if anyone could enlighten me where to start.
They live in Newport News, VA if that helps.
submitted by /u/andrewkim075