Trying to figure out health insurance for the first time

This could absolutely be the wrong group for this, and I’m so sorry if it is. I’m just desperate and would love to hear advice from those ‘in the know’, or at least more ‘in the know’ than I am.

I’m 27 and I live in upstate NY. For the first time in my life, I’m making too much money for Medicaid. However, I cannot afford my employer insurance. I’m at a loss. I do have mental health issues that require therapy and medication, which is costly to say the least.

My employer insurance is essentially useless, as the deductibles are too high to make it worth it. They suggested I call NY State of Health, so I did. The plan they had where I could keep my therapist and psychiatrist was almost $400/mo. As a single mom working 2 jobs and doordashing to make ends meet, I just can’t afford that. The lowest price they had for a plan was $118, but with a $50 copay for both my therapist and psychiatrist, as well as having to pay 20% of my medication cost. At that rate, it would cost about as much as the other plan with the treatment and medication that has been recommended for me.

Now, I’m okay cutting back on therapy since my treatment plan was created when I was much lower than I am now, and I have been stable for a very long time. However, my medication is crucial to my remaining stable, and having to pay a percentage worries me since my medication does fluctuate at times, as psychiatric medications do. Therefore, the cost would be changing often enough that it would make budgeting difficult, and I survive on a VERY strict budget.

See also  Health Insurance, Private Plan, Which to Take in NYC for Young guy/couple

I suppose I’m just asking what resources may be available for what I’m going through? A minimum of medication is really all I’m looking for, and I can figure therapy out some other way. I just want to ensure that I don’t have to go unmedicated when I don’t have any health insurance to access the level of care I would need in such an instance.

If this isn’t the right group for this, could anyone point me in the right direction? I’ve never used Reddit before, and only made an account for this post so I’m unsure where my dilemma would fit best.