Trying to decide between Blue Advantage Gold HMO and Blue Advantage Plus Gold. The only difference is the second one is a “POS”… any advice? Is POS worth it?

So I’m trying to pick out my health insurance since my current plan is terrible with UHC. Is getting a POS worth it? It’s slightly more per month (by about $25). The only real difference seems to be that it is a POS, meaning there is an option to see doctors out of network. I don’t have many health issues but the main thing I am worried about is that I need to have a laparoscopic myomectomy within the next year (preferably in the next few months before it grows larger than 10cm – it is currently 6cm). This is an inpatient procedure (not a hospital stay). My current insurance plan only has 1 doctor’s office available that could do this procedure for me and I’m just not too sure about the level of experience or skill of any of the doctors in that office. So that is why I am trying to get a better health insurance plan. I’m just wondering whether the Blue Advantage HMO is not going to be sufficient enough in terms of what doctors I will have. The plan says all my doctors are in network but I was told the same thing with my UHC plan and ended up with just 1 doctor in the entire metroplex that would take my insurance. Any advice would be helpful. Living in Dallas, TX if that helps!

submitted by /u/Whencanwewin

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