Trying to choose between 8 BCBS PPO Marketplace plans for 2024 out-of-network jaw surgery!

Hello all! I live in Michigan and have been on a BCBS of Michigan Marketplace plan (silver tier) for most of 2023. In June 2024, I'll see an out-of-network jaw surgeon in Los Angeles. The surgeon's office submitted a request for approval on my current insurance this year and it was approved, so I think my surgery should still be approved in 2024 on whichever tier.

BCBS should cover costs except my surgeon's $25K professional fees, so I want to pick a plan that will cover as much of the professional fee as possible. The surgical practice can assist with a letter of agreement closer to the time of surgery – I think I'll have to show that surgeons within 50 miles of me in Michigan aren't capable of helping me.

The 8 PPO options can be viewed here: if you enter ZIP code 48933 for Ingham County and click "see full-price plans." (I don't live in Ingham but the same plans are offered in every county.) I'll put relevant info about each plan in the comments

I usually have a lot of in-network medical costs throughout the year. I see specialists like a dermatologist, psychiatrist, endocrinologist, allergist etc. on a fairly regular basis, receive therapy, might want to take advantage of physical therapy and chiropractor services if possible. I'm on various prescription medicines. I want to pick a plan that will be cheapest OVERALL considering my medical needs and the surgery, and I am setting aside savings for the surgery, so I'm okay with either high premiums or a high deductible.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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submitted by /u/AnxiousCress003