I tried to help a friend navigate the healthcare marketplace, and we discovered there is an income floor as well as an income ceiling for getting subsidized credits (which I never realized was a thing), and his earnings are too low to meet it. Is there another option?

These are the facts: 1) not in a Medicare expansion state, and doesn’t qualify for Medicare. 2) works part time, goes to school part time. 3) no employer benefits; the school neither requires nor offers health insurance. 4) inactive reservist and doesn’t qualify for Tricare. 5) aged out of coverage on parent’s insurance.

He was chasing diagnosis of a health issue when he lost coverage—it’s one of those things that could be nothing, or could be a big deal, but needs imaging and specialists to make the determination.

I’m out of ideas here, but I’m hardly an expert. Can anyone recommend an insurance avenue we haven’t explored?

submitted by /u/DollChiaki

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