To;dr Doctor sent all but one lab to preferred lab, costing me WAY more

I thought I did all the work to make sure things would be covered before going to a new doctor but I was wrong. Called doctors office before visit and asked if they used Quest Diagnostics or if I could request it. Front desk tells me they typically send all labs to Quest but that the doctor can also put orders for test in the App to take where I like if I need any. Awesome cool. Doctor sends urine off for a few test. Not worried assuming they’re going to Quest. I also get a few orders for other test to do at a later date(which some were already labeled for quest) I get results/bills for 4 test through Quest then randomly get a bill from a company I have never heard of from that visit. The test was one I was supposed to be getting on my own elsewhere at a later date so confused as to why he sent it? Though the company he sent it to was “in network” it cost $200 with my plan. But had he sent it went the others to Quest, it would have cost $30. (Confirmed with CPT)

Im very confused as to what I should do because I don’t believe it was handled properly? I have united healthcare choice plus and feel they will just tell me it’s still in network and nothing they can do. 😞

submitted by /u/LetterOk6100

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