Hi yall, I just graduated from college and have started my first job. I'm trying to find information online but it's a bit confusing, no one in my immediate family has graduated college or had healthcare from an employer so I'm having a hard time asking anyone for help.

About me: i'm 23, I have no chronic conditions, no pressing health issues at the moment either. I used to have medicaid growing up but since I aged out of it I haven't had any regular or general check ups, so the only thing I'd like to do with my new insurance is catch up on those (vision, gen practitioner, maybe a blood lab or something like that?). Additionally, I would like to seek mental health therapy, I think I have anxiety/other stuff going on from past life events so there may be a future prescription.

I've been paying a cheap $30/mo Humana DHMO dental plan to keep up with regular cleanings and x-rays but that's something I'll be canceling this week as I sort out my employer insurance.

Here is what I'm offered (Individual):

PPO 1 – $72.18 per pay period – $0 Deductible In-Network, $5000 Out-of-Network – Out-of-Pocket max $6300 In-Network, unlimited for Out-of-Network

(The following have a 50% coinsurance after deductible has been met for Out-of-Network) – Primary care physician $40 copay – Specialist office visit $80 copay – Preventative care no charge – Lab and xray $0 – Advanced imaging (MRI/PET/CAT) 20% coinsurance – Inpatient hospitalization 20% coinsurance – Outpatient surgery 20% coinsurance – Emergency $500 copay + Deductible + 20% coinsurance – Urgent care $75 copay

See also  Termination due to missed payment. What are our options? (Maryland)

PPO 2 – $74.82 per pay period – $750 Deductible In-Network, $10,000 Out-of-Network – Out-of-Pocket max $2250 In-Network, unlimited for Out-of-Network

(The following have a 30% coinsurance after deductible has been met for Out-of-Network) – Primary care physician $30 copay – Specialist office visit $60 copay – Preventative care no charge – Lab and xray $0 – Advanced imaging (MRI/PET/CAT) 20% coinsurance – Inpatient hospitalization 10% coinsurance – Outpatient surgery 10% coinsurance – Emergency $500 copay + Deductible + 10% coinsurance – Urgent care $75 copay

HDHP – $64.48 per pay period – $3,100 Deductible In-Network, $6200 Out-of-Network – Out-of-Pocket max $3100 In-Network, unlimited for Out-of-Network

(The following have a 30% coinsurance after deductible has been met for Out-of-Network) These are $0 after the deductible been met. – Primary care physician $0 – Specialist office visit $0 – Preventative care no charge – Lab and xray $0 – Advanced imaging (MRI/PET/CAT) $0 – Inpatient hospitalization $0 – Outpatient surgery $0 – Emergency $0 – Urgent care $0

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

submitted by /u/claudiafhorn