I applied to healthcare.gov and I noticed that it says I have a $502 tax credit that can lower my premium.

Here’s what it says

“If your income or household changes, it's very important to update your Marketplace application as soon as possible to avoid paying money back on your federal taxes. If you choose not to use any of your tax credit, you'll claim the full amount on your federal taxes.”

My options are:

ALL of the tax credit each month. Good choice if you're pretty sure your final 2024 income will be about the same as your estimate. Your monthly premium will be reduced by $502

We'll apply all of your tax credit to your monthly premium. You'll receive none of your tax credit when you file federal taxes.

SOME of the tax credit each month. Good choice if it's likely your final 2024 income will be higher than your estimate.

NONE of the tax credit each month. Good choice if you don't want to risk having to pay money back on your federal taxes if anything changes.

I have no idea what this means. Any help is much appreciated!

submitted by /u/evisionz

See also  3 million to lose Obamacare in 2023 if Democrats don't extend subsidies - Washington Examiner