Switching employers and switching insurance providers

I’ve been with Anthem BCBS for the last 4-5 years, I have been working with a wonderful PCP, Psychiatrist, and Therapist and have made great developments in my life because of it. I am moving to a new job and this job uses Cigna instead which has me very concerned, I went on their website to get a gauge on if my doctors were covered and none of them are considered in network or show in the lists of in network doctors. This kinda has me shattered since it took me so long to find doctors that fit and the idea of having to shop around again and start from 0 is an awful thought.

My psychiatrist did say they take Cigna insurance but when I’m on the site I don’t see that they’re listed in network so I’m assuming they would be much like my PCP and therapist considered out of network thus causing me to pay the maximum 100% amount. I also checked the medication list and see that Cigna does not cover any of my mental health medication either which I also don’t need to mention is a serious concern as it took my 3 1/2 yrs to find a combo that works for me…

Does anyone know how to navigate dealing with such an awful coverage via Cigna? I’d really appreciate insight or anything that I might be missing to put my thoughts at ease…

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