Switched health plans during labor

We had a unique situation of me switching jobs in April. My old insurance plan ran through April 30th and the new plan would start on may 1st. Wife ended up going into labor very early and we were in the hospital from 4/25 – 5/5 (nicu for 8 days).

The hospital said we would need to make sure they sent all bills to both insurers.

We are now receiving large bills for out of pocket costs. It looks like everything was sent to our first insurer but not the new one. We have asked that they send bills to them to see what they’ll cover. Everyone has acted like this doesn’t make sense. Our new insurance said they haven’t received anything and that we needed to get the bills sent to them since they actually show theirs went into effect on 4/27. First insurance company told us “yeah, nicu is expensive” and to expect a few more bills to come through from claims they received.

Has anyone dealt with anything like this and the best way to handle it?

submitted by /u/ForeFlyCaster8

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