Surprise physician fee after receiving an EOB of $0 for surgery

Hi! I (28F) have insurance through my employer. I had a bilateral salpingectomy and a novasure ablation on 9/13/24. I received my EOB – $0, as expected, because of the ACA

However, on 10/21/24, I received a surprise $700 bill from the hospital. Immediately called my insurance; they said they would take care of it in 7-10 business days.

I called them back today asking for an update and we did a 3 way call with the hospital. Apparently it's a separate physician fee from the anesthesiologist???? And since it's not part of the facilities fees and wasn't coded as preventative, my insurance wont touch it and are saying it is my responsibility. I requested a re review of the coding, because under the ACA and the no surprises act, I should owe NOTHING for my bisalp since my EOB stated I owe $0, right? Please help/advise what I can do next. I don't even have $70, let alone $700 right now 😭

submitted by /u/Junijidora

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