Surprise medical bill – No Surprises Act dispute?

Today is Aug 28th. I had an ultrasound done on March 19th at the hospital imaging center. Later I received two bills – one for the radiologist and one for the facility. The facility bill looked ok, matched the EOB, I paid it.

The radiologist bill however – they billed me for the TOTAL charge of the dr – over $500. My insurance was also super late in issuing the EOB due to a cyberattack. After 2-3 months, we finally get the EOB. I called the radiologist’s office to ask about what the charges were – and they just automatically sent my bill for “review” and told me to ignore any paper bills that I receive.

Fast forward to now – I keep getting paper bills, and it’s been like two months. I call again yesterday and they said they are sending the bill for review AGAIN and it will take another 30-45 days.

I also finally call my insurance about this and they explained that the radiologist is actually out of network, even though the facility was in-network. Aha, so the pieces finally fall into place for me. I’d never heard of the No Surprises Act until yesterday.

The EOB states that I have a deductible of $176 so I believe that’s all I need to pay. I think the dr’s office knows this and that’s why they keep sending my bill for “review”.

My question: is there any other sort of official dispute I need to file somewhere? Is there a timeline? Part of me wonders if there’s a deadline and they’re just trying to run down the clock with all these “reviews”.

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I’m in GA.