
I had a quick question about my health insurance’s grace period and whether or not it covered a surgery of mine.

I received health insurance through the marketplace (Health Care Gov) earlier this year and received an APTC. However, after making a few months’ premium payments there was some sort of electronic error in July that caused me to fall into a 3-month grace period (July, August, September) before my coverage was terminated at the end of September, retroactive to July 31st (as it states on my account). (I am currently fighting with my insurance to be reinstated as nobody seems to be able to know why July’s payment didn’t go through despite being on auto-renew.)

For those three months I was not aware that I was in the grace period (I didn’t receive any letters or e-mails). It was only after going to the pharmacy at the end of October to refill a prescription that I was told that my “insurance had been terminated on July 31st.” I was so confused at first and thought it must’ve been a mistake — I had been able to refill my prescription all three months, as well as had a surgery (which is what my main question below is about) — but after logging into my account at home, sure enough, it stated that my insurance had been terminated on 7/31.

Now, here is my question:

I had an emergency surgery during the second week of August (8/8) (this would’ve been the 2nd month of my grace period from what I understand). A few weeks after the surgery I received my bills in the mail that stated my insurance had paid their portion. However, now that I’ve learned my insurance was terminated retroactive to 7/31, I’m freaking out about whether/if my insurance is going to retroactively bill the hospital — who will in turn bill me — and/or I’m going to be on the hook for the full cost of the surgery.

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I’m trying to stay calm, but the surgery was a lot of money. I’ve done a lot of research online and made a dozen phone calls, but can’t seem to get a straight answer.

Is there a chance they could go back on paying for the surgery since it fell during that 2nd month of the grace period? Even though I received bills stating they had already paid it? I’m not even sure if this is something that can happen, but I’m scared. (Most of what I read states that if it falls in the 2nd or 3rd month of the grace period the insurance usually doesn’t pay and keeps the payment “pending”; however, the bills I received in the mail list that my insurance did pay their portions, which is confusing me.)

Anyway, any advice/information would be incredibly helpful. Please let me know if you have any questions for me.

Thanks in advance for your help!