Hi all,

I’ve previously worked at companies that only offer PPOs with differing levels of coverage. At my new company, the 2 options are HRA and HSA. My child and I also have the opportunity to switch to my husband’s HMO at his company. I understand the potential benefits of the HSA plan, but am really confused still as to what the best move is financially. I also am confused as to why the HSA plan is cheaper than the HRA plan in terms of premium if they give you access to the same health plan.

Both the HRA and HSA cover eligible in-network preventative care at 100% and non preventative care at 80% after meeting the deductible. The HMO covers at 90%.

About us: I am late 30s F, live in the Midwest, have a handful of autoimmune diseases, see specialists regularly, and take biologics. My child also sees some specialists.

HSA: -In network deductible: $3200 -In network OOP Max: $5250 Yearly premium: $1525 Company contributes $1000 to HSA

HRA: -In network deductible: $1500 -In network OOP Max: $6000 Yearly premium: $3275 Company contributes $750 to HRA

HMO: -In network deductible: No deductible -In network OOP Max: $4000 Yearly premium: $4248

Thank you SO much for any advice here!

submitted by /u/Ambitious_Dot_5663

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