Summer road trip health insurance before starting new position?

Hi everyone,

I’m a young (27), overall very healthy female moving from Maryland at the end of July to Washington at the beginning of September. I’ll be start a graduate program, but decided that I wanted to take some time off beforehand, so I’m quitting my job a few months early. But basically, this means I’ll be without health insurance from August 1 to October 1 (when the new health insurance with the grad program kicks in). Also won’t have an income for this period of time.

I’ve been getting all my primary care appointments in over the past month and I have one prescription I take on a daily basis, but other than that my main concern is needing emergency care over the summer, since I plan on doing national parks and hiking on the way out west…and I can be quite clumsy.

So my main two questions are…

if I enroll through the ACA for those two months, should I do it through Maryland? I won’t really have a home base until September/I find a place out in Washington (will be staying with friends and family along the way) so it feels a little weird to do it through Maryland when I won’t actually live here anymore. Are there good options for people who will be all over the place for a short period of time?

any advice on the best plans/options for someone who’s mainly concerned about potentially needing emergency care (and one Rx)? I was thinking I could just do GoodRx for that for the two months I need it


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