Sudden Multiple mom covered Bills

Hello. First post. I am looking for some advice. I got a new specialist last year due to a tumor found completely on accident. I was referred to get an MRI and when it came to getting the results I thought I would get an in office appointment but I did not. It was over the phone. I was not even given the option to come into the office.

Then a few months later when it was time to do a second MRI to check the progress again the results were given over the phone not in office. I did not even know this was considered an “appointment”.

Last a month ago I decided to move forward with getting the tumor removed so I called the office to make an in person appointment. The said they would talk to the Dr. and call me back. They did give me a specific date and time. Turns out the Dr. called me back and that was the “appointment”.

None of these “appointments” were sent to my insurance company until just this week. And it turns out they do not cover phone visits. Each visit was about $176. On top of the surgery cost and some other late stuff that was billed. I know at least the first visit would have been denied for timely filing if were covered.

Is there anything I can do about this? It seems wildly unfair to be hit with almost $600 worth of non covered charges at once where I was never actually given the option to come in or told it was not covered and if they would have sent in that first bill on time I would have known at least.

See also  I clicked the application for COBRA and didn't know I enrolled. When I tried to sign up COBRA tells me I can't because I missed the 45 day window to make a payment? Do I have any options?

submitted by /u/Realistic_Piano_8559