Stupid health insurance situation after getting married

-I have health insurance through my company.

-My (now) wife had low-income health insurance through the marketplace.

-We got married in June. My wife is pregnant.

-She called her current health insurance AND the marketplace to inform them she's now married. They tell her that her premium will increase, but do not specify when.

-When I was talking to my company's HR about adding her to mine, they said that open enrollment for the marketplace wasn't until November, and her health insurance would alert her when the premium would increase. So now we're under the impression that we're good until November and will save money by NOT switching her to mine yet.

-She suddenly gets a $300+ health insurance premium bill today. NO WARNING FROM HER INSURANCE THAT HER BILL WILL BE INCREASING.

-Calls health insurance and they tell her it's because of some "tax credit" thing. Probably because she's married now.

-Now we're stuck with a $300 bill and I have to get her on mine, which will increase my premium.

Is there any recourse for any of this? Like getting the $300 premium bill waived?

submitted by /u/NuttinToItButToDoIt

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