Stuck in hell – pre auth for hospital transfer from ER

My insurance denied an ambulance ride from Good Samaritan Hospital to a higher level of care hospital in March due to a lack of pre-authorization, despite the emergency nature of the transport for sepsis and meningitis. The ambulance company states the hospital should have pre-authorized it, since it's "specialty care." I've been unable to get anyone at Good Samaritan Hospital to review the account and retroactively submit a pre-authorization despite spending almost 40 hours on the phone and being transferred between multiple departments. I received the bill from the ambulance company and it's thousands. I reached my out-of-pocket max with the hospital stay, so I'm really trying to get this covered.


Does anyone know what department at Good Samaritan Hospital can assist with retroactively submitting a pre-authorization for ambulance transport? Am I pursuing the correct course of action by seeking retroactive pre-authorization, or should I approach this differently?

I appreciate any advice, please help!

submitted by /u/ashnico

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