Wondering if anyone has a clear answer, because I'm finding it impossible to get information about this. Can you confirm if this is correct, or if I have any other options/what those are?

I have insurance through my spouse's employer on a family plan. Now, I know that he's the only one who would get his short term and long term disability benefits through his employer (they confirmed this), and that I would have to get my own insurance in order to get my own STD and LTD — which I need for my future pregnancy. (I am not pregnant, just planning.)

In order to get STD and LTD, I either have to (1) get insurance through my employer, which then must become MY primary insurance — which sucks because his is way better and don't want to pay for two plans — or (2) get it through NY State marketplace once I am pregnant, per the 2016 law that pregnancy is now considered a qualifying life event in certain circumstances in NY State. This would then become my primary insurance and cover only me. Is that all correct?

Or would I not be able to do (2) above because I am already covered under his insurance? Is it not possible to get insurance for myself when I get pregnant in NY State if I am already insured, albeit without STD and LTD?

Ideally, I would just be able to stay on my partners insurance as my primary, and just use my insurance as my secondary and to get the STD and LTD. But am I right in assuming this is not possible? It's just frustrating I would have to get worse insurance just to get STD and LTD, and then also deal with confusion from doctors about what insurance gets billed. Do I have any other options?

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Just trying my best to understand. Thank you!

submitted by /u/PretendBag7095