State of Indiana Insurance – Why would anyone do the traditional plan?

Hi All,

My husband works for the state of Indiana. Here is there plan sheet –

We have always done a high deductible plan (family of 6) which I know some people think that is crazy. We don’t have any expensive prescriptions – we typically always use GoodRx if we have prescriptions.

Here are the plan annual rates – using family / non-tobacco: CDHP 1 – $2,416.44 CDHP 2 – $4,613.44 Trad – $8,773.44

Deductibles: CDHP 1 – Tier 1 = $6,000, Tier 2 = $7,000 CDHP 2 – Tier 1 = $4,000, Tier 2 = $5,000 Trad – Tier 1 = $2,000, Tier 2 = $3,000

Out-of-Pocket Max: CDHP 1 – Tier 1 = $9,000, Tier 2 = $10,000 CDHP 2 – Tier 1 = $7,000, Tier 2 = $8,000 Trad – Tier 1 = $5,000, Tier 2 = $6,000

Coinsurance Rates – % is the same for all 3 plan types: Wellness Prevention is 0% for all tiers Office Visit, Inpatient, Urgent Care – Tier 1 = 10%, Tier 2 = 30% ER – Tier 1 = 10%, Tier 2 = 10%

Annual Employer HSA Contribution CDHP 1 – $2,249.52 CDHP 2 – $1,575.60 Trad – $0/NA

We typically max out the HSA and move the HSA funds into Fidelity and invest them in VTI or another low-cost ETF.

Thoughts on this? I feel like the very high premium cost of Traditional plan just makes it completely obsolete to the point where I don’t even know why someone would consider it. Plus the CDHP gets the HSA contribution. What am I missing? Trying to explain this to my husband as he’s always uncomfortable going with the ‘high deductible’ plan.

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