Starting a new job. On – are these plans worth it for temporary coverage?

FL, 36F, UMR Coverage ended today

So today was my last day at my company, and tbh I've been putting off getting my new health plan in order. I will not have coverage until 60 days from my start date of my new job, which is on Tuesday (after 60 days, the company I am moving to will cover all medical premiums 100% so I see that as a win)

I am on I checked to see if I qualify for subsides, which I do. While I don't plan to be going to the doctor often, I'm just looking at plans to cover me in case something happens, if I need to go to urgent care or what have you

Most of the Bronze plans I'm looking at are in the $130-180 range, and they have massive deductibles. The Silver plans are around $200-275, lower deductible – plans look pretty similar to a lot of the "middle" options that I usually select with employers. I am not even going to bother looking at Gold/Platinum because I honestly don't think that's worth it

As for COBRA. My company I am leaving, they were going to end coverage at the end of this month, whether I was staying with the company or not. It just happens to be timed when I was leaving my job, so I don't think COBRA would apply here

Anyway, are the plans worth it? If I can swing the spening $200 or thereabout, just for 2 months, should I just go with a Bronze/Silver plan?

submitted by /u/ayatollahofdietcola_

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