Starbucks Health Insurance: Is it still worth it for Trans people?

I had posted a question to here yesterday and you guys were extremely kind and helpful, thank you so much for the advice. I do, however, have a follow up question pertaining to it:

For context, I am Transgender and am looking for advice on insurance for coverage going forward.

So I'm looking into jobs that would cover the transition if not wholly then partially. I live with family, so even though it may be a step down it would save me a ton in the long run to pick up a job at Starbucks to help me through the transition.

That is until I came across this post. Picking up an entry level position at Starbucks would be super simple and it was looking like a good solution to help ease a very tough situation, but reports like that have thrown what little of a plan I had into further chaos.

Is it still worth it to seek employment with Starbucks to cover a transition? I'm currently making around 50k a year elsewhere while working on my degree, and this would only be a temporary measure while I go through the more extensive parts of the transition like FFS and Hair Removal. I intend on leaving Starbuck's employ once the transition has reached its end and my degree is complete. But it isn't worth leaving my current job if their insurance was massively downgraded.

Does anyone have experience dealing with them? Is it still worth it?

Also I'm very open to applying to other companies in the greater NY area if you guys have any suggestions on other employers that have good coverage for Gender Affirming Care.

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submitted by /u/ProbablyNotAFurry