Spouse’s Hospitalization Claim Applied to My Claims

My husband was hospitalized at the first of the year. Our health insurance covered a very decent amount of it, so, for once — no complaints there.

The concern is — Insurance applied his claims to my claims section. Meaning that our health insurance account shows that I was hospitalized, had various scans, etc. Because of this mix-up, my deductible has been met, but his has not.

To add to the wrinkle, due to an expensive medication my daughter is taking, our family deductible has now been met.

My question is — should I poke the bear on this?

The hospital knows it was my husband in the hospital and has been billing him appropriately, and his charts are all correct. It is only our health insurance that is confused. If we hadn't met the family deductible, I would probably contact the company (as my husband will have a lot of medical expenses this year). However, I don't think I need to, now that Family Deductible has been met.

Thoughts? Any downside to not talking to them about this mix-up? Thanks!

submitted by /u/DryCaramel1678

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