Spouse does not have insurance, what should we do?

Hi Everyone,

I am looking for a bit of advice on how to get my husband some type of health insurance.

Background info…

My husband started a new job in June 2022 at a small business (15 employees total). I was under the impression that his new employer offered him health insurance. We are both young, healthy, and rarely go to the doctor, so I never really asked him about it. In the past, we have always had separate healthcare plans since we both have full-time jobs.

Fast forward to this week, I scheduled my husband a doctor's appointment for a yearly checkup. He went to speak to his boss about insurance coverage, and he informed him that he needs to be on my insurance plan since it’s not offered through his company.

My company’s open enrollment is not until the spring. I am guessing that my husband is not eligible for a special enrollment period because he technically is over the 60-day limit of being uninsured.

We live in Pennsylvania, and our income threshold is too high for any type of government assistance. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

submitted by /u/Kenzy92

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