Spouse and I have the same employer – is it worth it to be dependents on each other’s plans so we each have secondary insurance as well?

My spouse and I have the same exact health plan provided for free from our employer (which is the same employer). We have the option to add a dependent to our plan for $300/year. Is there any benefit to adding each other as dependents on our primary plans so we each have primary and secondary insurance? Since the plans are exactly the same, I'm not sure there is much that being "double covered" will get us.

Our biggest health expenses are in areas that we have pretty weak coverage in – like mental health and vision – and we aren't seeing any increased coverage on those fronts from having both a primary and secondary insurance.

At the dentist, I used to have a copay and now don't because I'm double covered, but that's been about the most lucrative benefit (and that's $15/twice a year).

I'm considering having us go back to just having one primary plan each, but I don't want to be short sighted just because we are healthy now.

submitted by /u/dressingsets

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