Spousal surcharges? Do I qualify?

I just turned 26 and also getting married next week. I want to go on my husbands new jobs plan as the deductible is pretty low and my companies deductible is very high and overall more expensive premiums and out of pocket max is super high. However his company charges a $100 monthly charge for spouses who are eligible for benefits at their company… but I honestly don’t know if I am eligible for my current employers benefits? Open enrollment at my job happened a few months ago but I waived everything since I was under 26 and participating with parents plan. Now I’m in such a weird situation. I prefer to go on my spouses plan, but trying to know if this spousal surcharge actually applies to me and my position since I technically 1. Don’t currently have benefits through my employer 2. Open enrollment ended 2 months ago 3. Idk if this is considered a QLE considering I wouldn’t be adding my spouse to my plan ( that I don’t even have).. the whole point is I’m trying to go on his.

submitted by /u/notedtoted

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