Special Enrollment Period, due to change in income

We have been on a marketplace plan for over a year now and just qualified for a special enrollment period due to an increase in my husband's salary (he works for a very small company with no benefits). We've been looking over our new options in the Marketplace, and Hokey Smokes! They are so expensive!!!

Here is my question that I cannot find an answer to: during the 60 day Special Enrollment Period where we can select a new plan, our original coverage stays in effect until the 60 days are up or we change it, yes? So, during this 60 day time period, would I pay the same amount for coverage that I've been paying, or pay the (much) higher premium based on the new salary info? It's a difference of about a $900/month to keep the same coverage. If I wasn't sick with several chronic illnesses, I'd just go without insurance all together! This is crazy! Thanks, y'all!!

submitted by /u/RRMother

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