So overwhelmed with double coverage

I am so overwhelmed with the issues I’ve been having with my health insurance. I am 24yo and still on my parents health insurance (I have a younger sibling so my parents saw no benefit in taking me off) but I also carry my own insurance through my employer. I had no idea that “coordination of benefits” was a thing until way too late. But I got that done and submitted to both companies. My insurance through my employer is supposed to be my primary insurance because I am the policy holder. However even after the coordination of benefits and everything for some reason things still weren’t getting filed correctly. I’ve been around and around in circles talking with both insurance companies, and the billing offices or providers trying to get claims reprocessed and processed correctly. It looks like my primary insurance has reprocessed all my claims up to now correctly, but it still looks wrong on the secondary insurance end and these reprocessed numbers aren’t being reflected in the bills that I’m getting from the providers. I don’t know what to do at this point, I understand what I’m looking at when I try to make sense of the EOBs and any time I get on the phone with insurance they are completely unhelpful, I just end up more confused than before.

submitted by /u/Ieatedyourcookie

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