Had fidelis care Medicaid and updated my application, and Idk if it's saying I no longer qualify or not. There is a big green box that says,

Status of Your Renewal
Congratulations! We've re-enrolled everyone in their current health plan for another year and you don't have to do anything more.
If anything has changed in your life that would affect how you are covered and what you pay for health insurance next year, click Update Application. If you would like to pick a different plan than the one that we've re-enrolled you into for next year, click Pick a New Plan.
Your eligibility is effective starting on the date listed in the table below.
To make changes to your current coverage, call customer service at 1-855-355-5777.

However, below this in my plan box it says all the way to the left,

Program Eligibility Eligibility Start Date Marketplace ID

Not Eligible to Purchase Health Coverage 05/31/2024

Action Needed: Update your application to see if you can get health coverage through NY State of Health.

So, will I not have health insurance or will I? This is scary for me cause I just found out I have cancer and am starting chemo on the 13th. Thanks for any help or insight given.

submitted by /u/LauranaSilvermoon

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