Signed up for health insurance and need help

I needed health insurance and ended up on some website, get health insurance. org and they called me and signed me up with some random insurance. The email I got sent me to my health insurance profile but the website is so vague, it’s like members@membersbenefits and it just felt untrustworthy like a scam or something. I couldn’t even find the insurance companies name on the site until I went to my digital insurance card and found out it’s American Financial Security life insurance and they signed me up for some advanced wellness 100a plan and they said I can go anywhere, I have no deductible, and everything else. But when I googled the company they have horrible reviews and some people said the company was a scam and places won’t take their insurance. So I decided to call back right after signing up to cancel and they asked why and I just said signing up was a mistake and they were so rude and the guy was like “why are you withholding information” and I had to end that phone call because I had to go to work and we rescheduled the call for this morning. Firstly, he never called me but I got a call from someone else to go over my policy as if it was never canceled. So I called to finish the cancellation and the next lady did the same thing, telling me I have such a good plan and I have no reason to cancel. It’s giving me so much anxiety and I don’t know what to do. I tried to call my usual dentist to see if they would take the insurance but it didn’t even pop up in their system so she said she would have to call and I’m afraid trying to use the insurance will only make canceling more difficult. If anyone has any info on this insurance company please help. Is it legit or is it a scam and if I need to cancel how do I cancel because they won’t let me.

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submitted by /u/Level_Youth_4497