Should I double cover my wife if it is free to me?

I work at a hospital system and the health insurance premiums for me and my dependents are free (no payroll deductions) if I choose the plan that favors the hospital systems’ doctors and facilities. I plan to use this for me and my daughter as we are both healthy and only expected to use routine care.

My wife has a more complicated medical history and has already established care outside of my hospital system, so she will use the insurance plan offered through her employer because my plan is not favorable to using outside doctors.

Two questions:

1.Should I also add my wife onto my plan? She would then be double covered at the cost of no additional payroll deductions to me. I checked with my insurance and it would not change the family deductible or out-of-pocket maximum (maybe it never does. I wasn’t sure, so I asked) .

2. Would we have to notify her primary insurance company? What else do we have to do and why do people always say double coverage is a headache? Is it even worth the hassle?


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