Should I decline the new job’s health insurance plan if I’ve almost met the deductible of my parents plan?

Currently, I'm under my parents health insurance plan which covers 100% above a $4k deductible. I've already paid $3.3k towards the deductible, and in the next 2 months I will probably be at the $4k threshold.

On April 29, I'm starting a new job which offers its own health insurance plan. I don't know the exact details of the plans yet, but from reading other employees' posts on reddit the deductible is probably $1.5k for the HDHP.

My question is: Do I really need to choose a health insurance plan from my employer, or should I decline coverage now and then choose a plan during open enrollment for next year?

I heard that having dual coverage can be beneficial as the other plan can cover what one plan doesn't. But I also heard that I would have to meet the deductibles of both plan before any one of them started covering. In my case, since I only need to pay around $700 more for my parents plan to start covering everything at 100%, is it a good idea to just not sign up for my employer's plan? Is there anything I'm missing out on by doing this?

Thank you in advance. Please let me know what I need to clarify.

submitted by /u/annie779

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