36F, Florida, currently using UMR. Just trying to get an idea of what would be the best option

I start a new job in a little over a week. For the first 60 days, I won't have health coverage (once that 60 days is up, my job covers medical coverage 100%, which I'm pretty happy about).

I'm trying to get an idea of what I should be paying for those two months, and what type of plan. I don't have any health issues at the moment, and I don't take any prescription meds right now. I don't expect to be at the doctor much in those 2 months, I just want something to be there in case shit happens

however, the short term plans I'm seeing on places like United, with subsidies are around $160 for me, but it seems like it would cover very little in the way of an emergency. Like it might knock of $1000-2000 in the event that something happens but would still be a huge bill.

Should I take something like this or what else would you suggest?

submitted by /u/nyliram87

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