
I’m pregnant in the first trimester and for a month straight I experienced extreme nausea and vomiting (nonstop) that interfered with my daily life. I had frequent trips to ER/Urgent care and my employer recommended I go on STD since I was missing so much work going to Urgent Care. My STD policy covers pregnancy and any pregnancy related sickness/complications. My OBGYN filled out my paperwork initially, but would not put the dates on my paperwork, they just put N/A for the dates. They said they did this because their office is not allowed to sign off on dates for disability paperwork. Because there were no dates to go off of my claim was denied. I spoke with the STD company and they sent the paperwork to be filled out again with the dates. When STD sent it the office said they would not fill it out because it was the same paper they already did and would not do it differently. I’ve tried multiple times to discuss it with them but they won’t budge on the dates policy they have. They have even signed my release back to work, which is dated so I don’t know why they won’t just confirm with the company when I was sick. Last I spoke with them they seemed frustrated I was trying to get the paperwork completed properly and let me know they are no longer doing ANY disability paperwork for their patients because of me. My PCP will not do the paperwork because it’s pregnancy related and they say that’s out of their scope. I’m waiting to talk to the claim’s examiner to see what options there are. I’m also struggling to find an attorney that could help navigate this. I just don’t understand and I’ve never been so sick to where it affected my work and needed to take STD so I’m very unfamiliar with the process. I don’t want to lose my job over the days I had to miss. Any advice is appreciated.

See also  Pregnancy and planned c section

submitted by /u/Unhappy-Door-454