Services covered before you meet your deductible

I have to choose between two plans. My family is on this insurance, I have two children and a wife. My wife frequently visits specialists.

The two plans are here and here and are virtually identical except this one line:

Are there services covered before you meet your deductible?

more expensive one (by $106/mo out of pocket) says:

"Yes. Preventive care, Primary care, Urgent care, Specialist, Outpatient services for behavioral health, Office visits, Rehabilitation, Habilitation, Children’s eye exams, and Children’s dental check-up are covered before you meet your deductible."

less expensive one says:

"Yes. Preventive care and categories with a copay are covered before you meet your deductible."

I don't exactly understand what is the difference here… is it just for the first one we don't have to additionally pay the co-pay? Is the intention for people who have weekly visits to a specialist to avoid the extra cost? Can't tell

submitted by /u/whistlerbrk

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