Self employed seeking a reasonably priced health insurance plan in WA state

I'm working with an insurance broker for the first time but I'm wondering what is the benefit of working with someone like this versus just enrolling through the ope WA health plan finder marketplace? Do they have better deals? I've always had employer provided health insurance until now so this is all new to me.

I see a doctor maybe a few times a year if I'm sick but pretty rarely. Mostly will talk to them online in the portal messaging system or online. The only prescription I really get is my birth control pills where I get a several month supply all at once usually. I'm very healthy. I'm thinking maybe a silver plan? Or does it make more sense for my scenario to get a bronze type plan? I prefer to be able to use the Swedish network but if it's too pricey then I wouldn't.

I guess this is a multi-pronged question.

1) Does it even make sense to go through a broker? What's the benefit or drawback? Will they sway me to choose a provider that they make more commission on?

2) Based on the context I provided, does it make more sense to be a bronze level or silver level? I'm not sure if I need gold but I'd like to hear your thoughts

submitted by /u/lilac_lights

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