Self Employed Outside Marketplace

I’m self employed and I get insurance for myself and my wife through the marketplace.

Recently we’ve found out my spouse (adopted) has a family history of cancer on both sides.

Living in Houston and having family who worked and still work in cancer and research all know MD Anderson is the place to go if you’re unlucky with this horrible misfortune.

While doing some investigation. We noticed they don’t accept any type of Marketplace insurance, the facility or the doctors.

Which now has me investigating into small business insurance. I know it will be expensive, but it’s also a write off. From what I read it says unless you have one employee, you can’t get small business insurance for health.

We are also tired of not having insurance that gives us access to the better hospitals. Our policy this year has been the best we’ve ever had as far as coverage. It’s a silver plan with CVS Aetna which gives us access to Kelsey Sybold and some below average hospitals.

I’m not a flashy person. I drive an older vehicle and live very frugal. We both believe in putting our health in first place as we age. I’m early 50’s she’s late 40’s.

Has anyone done what we are considering? Pros and Cons. PPO’s possible at all? Just some insight would be great!

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