I'm self employed (contractor), and have some crappy health insurance.Went to ER and only half was covered. It's like $400 a month too. I got it outside of open enrollment .My soon to be wife (1 year from now) has a full time job at a hospital and she can add me, but we have to be married. Should I just get eloped before the wedding and not tell anyone to get the insurance? Her parents would freak if they found out.

I'm 26, she's 25. I basically have been paying half out of pocket for scans and such. This year total, I spent $7000 + $400 a month on an er visit for something stupid that ended up being nothing. some X-rays, MRI, visit to pulmonologist,etc…i quit smoking and was feeling chest pain, but it's all gone now for the most part. I still go to specialists to make sure I'm ok and it's costing me a fortune . I prefer to pay more for PPO to save time. She has PPO and HMO available. Not sure if it matters. I have PPO from the marketplace I think. Got it last March outside of open enrollment.

I'm not sure if she's be okay with getting eloped too because she has her parents address as her address (we rent a different house). If I can't elope, How can I get something to hold me over till open enrollment or the wedding, and when open enrollment comes where should I look? These insurance agents are real sneaky so not sure who to trust.

submitted by /u/gayisnay420

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