Seeking help picking insurance for baby arrival late January

Hello, I am having my first baby late January (healthy pregnancy thus far, 24 y/o, no complications.) Please help me decide which family insurance is best for myself, husband, and baby. Thanks in advance! Prego brain is making this difficult.

Plan 1: Traditional – Embedded calendar year Individual deductible: $1,500 Family deductible: $3,000 Individual out of pocket max: $5,000 Family out of pocket max: $10,000 Premium paid weekly: $191.21 Kids’ office visits: $0 Copay

Plan 2: Traditional –  Embedded calendar year Individual Deductible: $2,500 Family deductible: $5,000 Individual out of pocket max: $8,150 Family out of pocket max: $16,300 Premium paid weekly: $162.21 Kids’ office visits: $0 Copay

Plan 3: High Deductible –  Aggregate calendar year Individual deductible: $2,000 Family deductible: $4000 Individual out of pocket max: $6,550 Family out of pocket max: $8,000 Premium paid weekly: $167.04 Kids’ office visits: Deductible + %20

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