I have a rather specific question about a unique situation involving a secondary health insurance plan. I have a primary plan that has an annual out of pocket maximum. I had a secondary plan that covered most of the deductible and copayment that I would have owed after the primary plan payed out. The secondary plan expired September 31. By chance, I was set to hit my out of pocket max on my primary plan in September, which just happened to work out perfectly. However, the clinic submitted a bill from October before one of the September ones. This meant that I got a bill for several hundred dollars (I know, not a lot in the scheme of things) for an October visit to meet my out of pocket max. Then, when my September bill was submitted, my primary insurance payed it in full because I had hit that max. Had the bills been submitted in the order that the services happened, I would have hit that out of pocket max in September when my secondary insurance was covering it, and my primary insurance would have payed the October one in full.

Is this just how it works and I'm out of luck? If I were to address this, would I talk to the clinic or the insurance company? Do I just pay the bill and move on? Any advice would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/bubbles0916

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