I am currently covered under my spouses health insurance plan which is $1000 deductible, 30% Coinsurance and $5000 Out of pocket max.

I have started a new job and will get a health insurance plan through my employer at no cost. $3000 deductible. Once I meet this deductible I have no costs after that. This is a high deductible plan that is eligible for hsa so it has no copays or anything like that. I know I cannot have an hsa if I keep both insurances since my spouses is not a high deductible plan.

My question is how does COB work? For example if I had a scenario where I had a procedure done that is being billed for $10k. It goes to my primary insurance with the $3k deductible. Do I pay all of that out of pocket myself or will my secondary cover some of that?

2nd scenario: I have a prescription that costs $70 through my primary insurance but would have only cost a $10 copay through secondary. How much would I end up paying out of pocket?

I guess I’m more so confused on how it will work with copays since my secondary insurance has better coverage than my primary but my primary has no copays or coninsurance where as my secondary does?

Would I be better off being double covered through both insurances and not get an hsa or dropping my secondary insurance so I can my hsa account?

Thank you, I hope this makes sense!

submitted by /u/slb3050

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