Secondary health insurance not receiving my claims

I have two health insurances one under my stepdad one under my father. I’ve had two appointments with my primary care doctor that both resulted in blood work at the end. Well I noticed I still hadn’t received the bill and logged onto both insurance websites and saw only one received the claims.

I called the primary insurance because the doctors office told me they’d be the one to send the claims to the secondary insurance. I called them and they said no, they do not speak with the other insurance and it would be on my primary care to send the remainder of the claim over. Well when I called my primary care they said it was the insurance that would sent it over the other insurance. I’m being bounced back and forth between insurance and primary care and basically all of my claims are in limbo. Does anyone know what I should do?

(Yes there was a remainder on each claim the secondary was supposed to step in for)

submitted by /u/Skinnyjeans31

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