Screwed myself by waiting till the end of the year and panicking now. Need advice about emergency insurance

So these past two months i’ve been in a substance abuse rehab program and lets just say my mental health wasn’t the best during said time and its far from okay now but I wasn’t always on top of the important stuff or it would get forgotten in the shuffle of daily life there. Well the thing is im in a bit of a pickle because of it now.

So a week ago I got a call from my heart doctors telling me that the battery on my ICD device (pacemaker./defibrillator implant) died and needs to be replaced and thank god I was able to get squeezed into surgery on the 30th but the thing is I get kicked off of my dad’s united healthcare plan on the 1st.

Context for that: I am 30 and turned 30 in march but he was able to get me to stay as a depedant on his insurance till 30 till the end of the calendar year instead of the usual 26.

I moved back home to their place in new york this week for the surgery and permenantly there after but my id is still florida and theres no way I could logistically get my florida id changed to new york in time to apply for insurance. We got the number of an insurance agent in florida that helped my cousins set up their medicaid i believe but she and most people aren’t responding because of the holidays and i’m about to lose my fucking mind.

I found out about a week before I get kicked off my insurance that I have to have heart surgery and my head wont stop spinning.

See also  my medication is 10x the price this month than it was last month. what do i do??

What are my options in situations like this? I already take 6 medications as is on top of having to recover from the surgery and I can’t just not have insurance so what are my options.

Age 30 I live in New York City currently but I just moved back here 3 days ago for the surgery Florida resident (ID) Unemployed for the past year and change dead broke