I was laid off and separately injured. I attained my own health insurance through the state. They pay a portion and I pay the remaining amount. Since my injury, I haven’t been right mentally. I thought I was on autopay. I’m not. I paid January 10th premium. Not February, march, I paid April 25th the total amount due. From what I have read…I believe I have 90 days grace period but the funds are withheld bc it’s marketplace healthcare. Can anyone tell me if this is true? Some important things aren’t covered and I thought things were rectified. I have to call Monday to see…I will be in tremendous debt if this isn’t covered by the grace period. My anxiety is eating away at me.

From what I see there’s a 90 day grace period if on marketplace and funded partially by state of NJ. My statement said due by May 1 and I paid 4/25. Confused why they didn’t send checks to my doctors but maybe bc it was withheld and I need to call someone?

Is it possible they dropped Me? I didn’t receive any calls

Can I fix a lapse in insurance if this DID happen?

What can I expect? What should I do?

THANK YOU in avvanced

submitted by /u/Cold-Nobody2383

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