Salt of the Earth vs Options situation here!

Mom is in a very nice place, albeit a small room in Jackson, MS. My aunt (her sister) and uncle have been EXTREMELY wonderful people in caring for her after the stroke. They took her into their home, and made all accomodations for her until it was time that we all agreed that she needed to go to assisted living a few miles away as they (the aunt and uncle) are also up in years and can no longer take care of her in their home.

*I started this an hour and a half ago and Mom called me and we've been arguing fencepost to fencepost about how "my retirement takes care of that" and it absolutely does not. *

Y'all I need some help here. I'm a single man with no clue about health insurance or anything dental for my mom. It's bridge after bridge and nothing will fit, and holy crap the family drama in between.

I only care about my mom and I just feel like there has to be some kind of supplemental dental insurance or something on ACA that these SuperBoomer Mississippi Conservatives are just not making available to her simply based on their idiotic belief systems.

There is no reason to die early or die in pain like this if there are options available. This is breaking my heart.

They really believe that if you can't afford the price of the doctor, then you just need to go ahead and meet Jesus.

BUT MY MOM DOESN'T BELIEVE THAT. She wants care, if available. She is on board. Please advise. We need help.

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This is a great, great lady who spent her entire life and career helping disadvantaged kids. Made her name on it and now that she's had a stroke, and her peers have died off, there's really nobody to help. She's locked in, physically, but perfectly still there mentally, giving advice and whatnot. She's embarassed about her mouth, and I understand that for sure.

She has speech aphasia and that combined with her dental makes her feel like there's just no point in living.

This is an incredible woman. 1200 kids and 130 teachers at her last school. She appears in court to help her teachers who may have drug problems but are fighting it. Pays out of pocket for good people trying to get better.

This is bullshit to let my Mom, one of the very best, just go down because of dental problems. There has to be a solution.

Please give us some concrete options as of tomorrow.

The only thing I can do as the son and not POA is to present options.

If you do have some good ideas, please frame them as:

Dear Uncle,

Based on Nephew's description of the situation,

I am a (xyz) and there are a myriad of options available to OP's Mama.

Here's what I would do if I were in your shoes:

1 2 3

submitted by /u/turtleheadpokingout