Routine lab turned into experimental lab.

I’m asking this question for a patient.

Child had been on antibiotic known to cause diarrhea and worse—c-diff. Child has diarrhea greater than 10 days. It was mentioned to mom at an appointment with a different provider, that it could be c-diff and was advised to schedule appointment with PCP for evaluation.

Patient was seen and mom specifically advised she wanted her tested for c-diff. This is in the HPI “patient is here today because mom thinks she has c. Diff from antibiotic.” Provider agrees and sets up the order and instructions how to obtain sample.

Results come back she is positive for c-diff. Treated effectively.

Weeks later mom gets a bill from lab. She wasn’t just tested for c-diff. She was tested for a whole wide gamete of different stool studies. Bill is over $2k. Some considered experimental lab which their commercial insurance doesn’t cover. Hospital owned lab won’t budge. Has contacted client services etc. Mom was under the impression she was being tested for c-diff only & this is what she requested.

Any advice? Steps she can do moving forward?

submitted by /u/CentralTouch

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