Retired Early: ACA sucks. Looking at a PPO alternative. Am I missing something?

I am 55, retired, very fit and healthy but may need some shoulder and knee MRI's this year. Maybe some arthroscopic surgery to clean stuff up. So I want to make sure I have decent insurance. The past 2 years I bought ACA plans that were terrible, but I only needed an annual physical so it was fine just expensive at $550/month. I want another option with decent insurance at a decent price. Here in FL it seems only United and Blue Cross are decent. I spoke to an independent health insurance sales rep who talked to me about a PPO United plan through Freedom Life Ins Co, 80/20, no copay, $5k deductible, $2k max out of pocket, $500/incident. This is $684/month. Compared to a Silver Plan on the ACA at $800, seems like a deal. Any experience with United PPO's?

Primary Insured Coinsurance: PPO 80%/20% Specified Disease/Sickness Deductible: $5,000.00 Accident Deductible: $5,000.00 Calendar Year Maximum: Unlimited Lifetime Plan Max/Unlimited Lifetime Transplant Max Per Insured submitted by /u/Shabby-

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